Wednesday, April 11, 2012

OK, we're gonna do better!!!

Just found out about mobile blogger, I know, I know where have I been. Anyways once I get my new phone and used to it I'll start making mobile posts as that will be so much easier. I'll be able to upload pics right after taking them with a brief explanation, CAN'T WAIT!

Anyways, things have been great as always, just super busy. Wes is getting so big and is basically sitting up on his own and teeth are coming!!! The girls just started Gymnastics this week, yes all 3! Things for me are great at work, I love my kids (great classes this semester)! I have great supportive administrators and coworkers. I am working 2 days a week in the after school program and will be doing our summer program as well as refing, scout camps, taking a family trip to see Nate, Desi & kids in CA, etc over my summer "break"! It will be crazy busy as usual. But I am looking forward to it as our summer program is only 4 days a week for a month and is really alot of fun as well as scout camp, CA trip, etc. It will be crazy but a blast. I took on a special project with the summer program, career day. I'm really pumped about it as we'll have the local hip hop morning radio show out, some of my former clients, boss, fire & police dept with all their toys (helicopters landing on site, horses, dogs, motorcycles, etc) and I'm working to get some of the theme parks, news media as well as the sports teams involved (Orlando Magic, Orlando Predators, Orlando City Soccer and Solar bears). If it all comes together it'll be a big fun day for all the kids and grown ups! Enough about me, Amber is counting the days to summer break as she'll get to just be MOM which she's really missed teaching full time this year. She's also planning on going with some girlfriends this month to NYC for a girls weekend. Kylie is super smart and an amazing reader. The girl just devores (I think that's how you spell it) books! Reagan is our little entertainer and has the biggest most tender heart! We had a ward easter activity and of course there was an egg hunt for the kids. Well Sunday at church a mom came up to me and said how awesome Reagan was cause her little girl who is maybe 18 months was having a melt down during the easter egg hunt and therefore got no eggs. Well Reagan came over and comforted her and gave her a bunch of her eggs so she didn't go without. Finally Kinsey well she is also really smart but boy is she stuborn! She can be a great helper when she wants to be but man if she doesn't want to do something or things don't go her way, watch out! I think she's my parents payback for all the crap I gave them!!! She is so great though and can also be super sweet, we love her!
Well gotta get back to work for now but look for more posts soon!!!!

1 comment:

Nate said...

Thanks for the update! That's a cute story about Reagan. Can't wait to see you guys. I'd love to see some pics of the kiddos too. Love you guys.