Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Kylie started school two weeks ago now. CRAZY!!! I Hate how she is gone all day!!! Then it's rush rush rush to get everything done before bed. Tues. is the worst for me with cheerleading and babysitting in the afternoon. But she really enjoys school and her friends. Wish I knew more of what goes on those 7 hours she's gone. She's such a good girl, she has her moments, but I just love her and sissy misser her too! I like hearing what stories she does share with me, like the girl who didn't even ask and peed on the rug at school lol.

Happy Birthday to ME!

SO I'm 28 now. Not 30 though :0) I had not one, but two surprises with my friends there to celebrate with me. One, a party at my house with friends from the local side of town, the other dinner with friends in Orlando. Yummy! Great times with family and friends! I got my video camera working again which I really wanted. Life is good. Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes!