WOW School has started and man I'm behind. This working full-time thing and being pregnant is wearing me out. :0) Don't even know who reads this, but I haven't been writing in my journal either. But I'm hoping that changing my thinking to what Desi does and just makes her blog her journal will help.
We've been to school, I got transferred due to numbers and am now at Lakeview Elem. Went from part-time to full-time away from my babies. :0( But everything happens for a reason and am so Extremely thankful that I know my Heavenly Father loves me and has a plan for me. This has been a growing year for me and will continue to be as I'll be working with ESE students. I taught 2nd grade at Harmony for 2 weeks then got moved to Lakeview 2nd for two weeks, then 3rd grade co-teaching. So 29 kids and 2 teachers. Going better. Certainly a struggle for me emotionally missing my babies. Then found out I won't get the 12 weeks I was hoping for from maternity. Waiting to found out exactly when I come back and glad I saved my days last year and I can have Chris's days too so I can stay home about 6 weeks. 1.5 weeks to go!
So we went camping this weekend since it's been BEAUTIFUL outside and the last chance we have before the baby, no name yet, because of the SUPER busy month we have. So we went, and yeah it rained, A LOT! Girls said a prayer that we would be safe and we were. A little wet but not nearly as bad as I was thinking. Wind was totally not what I was expecting, crazy. Enjoyed line dancing, pony rides, petting zoo, and birthday cake with 70 year old G-pa. Had pizza instead of hotdogs cause it started to rain again RIGHT after I got the fire started. So, no smores but did get that yummy chocolate birthday cake! And how is it that our car looked like we were moving when we only were camping for 1 night!?!
We've been to the Reptile show, yes the girls were really into it. Reagan has been catching lizards and frogs like crazy. Kylie got her started on it, but Reagan is better. One family gave Reagan a really cute wooden bracelet cause she put a bunch on, danced around singing like she was a pop-star, Nothing Strange about that. But they just thought she was so incredibly cute, cause she is! So they let her have it and I didn't bring my purse in:0) They wanted to take home a turtle, or rabbit. At least it wasn't a snake or spider they wanted!
Ripley's Believe It or Not with Jared, Chrissy and Mom and Wonder Works and Trick or Treating at Sea World so far this month on top of camping. And mostly for free cause we're teachers! LOVE IT. The pictures aren't in order but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Went to the thrift and Kylie is going to be a witch finally, she's been asking for 3 years. And Reagan is going to be little Red Riding hood. Kinsey will be a princess. I usually like to go themed but since I'm not going this year cause I would have JUST had a baby, I didn't force it on them. Next year, Something good!
Kylie is on the local swim team so we do that MWF and Reagan has been doing Cheer, last week I believe. TTH for that. Chris is gone from 7:30 to 6:15 Tue and Thurs and I'm working full-time at a school about 20 min away. He does youth on Wed. nights and I'm in the Primary pres. So yeah, we're BUSY! Kinsey is a trooper and just enjoys life. Loves the i-pod and speaks AMAZINGLY well! Plus, she can really rip it on her scooter!
Kylie is LOVING 2nd grade and doing AMAZINGLY well. Loves to read! Reagan is thrilled to be a Monkey, like Kylie was when she was in K. Great teachers! She's working on her writing and identifying her numbers.
Me, I have 1.5 weeks like I said, and am feeling big, but not too uncomfortable and grateful that my pregnancies are so easy. Excited to start weight watchers next month though. :0)
Chris is glad to be back at school with the youth. He really does have a special place in his heart for them.
All in all we're so super blessed and are thankful for all of our many wonderful blessings and pray for all of our family and friends!
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