Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

Okay so we are not allowed to get a fake tree, only real or Chris won't touch it. So the traditional christmas tree hunt was made to good ole Home Depot. We usually get a Frasier Fir but tried a Douglas Fir this year because of the fragrance and yes, a cheaper price. BOY was that a MISTAKE! It has shed soooo much. I have swept up 7 + dustpans full of pine needles and only more are falling off each day. When we were hanging ornaments we were basically stripping the needles and leaving sticks. SO SAD. Definitally going to get a Frasier Fir for future references!

Swimming... IN DECEMBER!?!

So all those friends of ours whom we love who get snow, You can KEEP IT!! We get to go swimming in DECEMBER!! LOVE IT. These are some pictures from our last trip to Aquatica for awhile, our tickets expire in Jan. and don't think we'll make it back before then. It has dropped below 80 and that's too cold for me to swim in :0) Kinsey is a trooper and does the lazy river even though she has to wear a life jacket she doesn't like. She puts up with it for a while, what a trooper. WE had a blast though being one of the few families there. Good Times!


Thanksgiving Vacation! We got to go to my dads for Thanksgiving. A short but nice trip. The girls just LOVED Aunt Stacy. And she was such a good sharer :0) We enjoyed the park and Hollywood, who's always looking good. While we had a playdate Chris got to ride Hogs, and I had to inform a friend that they weren't real 'hogs' but Motorcycles. Silly Dana.

We also enjoyed the cooler weather. A nice walk in the woods, shopping with Hollywood. When packing we had a tough time finding things for the girls to wear. Good thing we have tights!

I was glad to have help with the girls. And one day I came back and all our laundry was done. WOW! Thanks Lisa!! A TON!
GAmes, good food (magic cookie bars, etc) and Fun with Aunt Denise too. She was so sweet with the girls, funny too. Thanks for letting us hang with you Denise! Good times were had by all. Thanks Lisa, Stacy, and DADDY!!!

Aren't me and my sister so cute together? :0)
Make Overs by Stacy!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kids Say the Darnest Things...

Where do I begin.?. So lately my mom keeps reminding me I need to write these down. So here they are to share. Two birds right!

Kylie and Reagan were helping me make chocolate dipped peanut butter balls (buck-eyes) the other day when AHHH CHEW! Reagan sneezed right in the WHOLE bowl of Giradelli Choco Chips! Then Kylie proceeds to chew them and SPIT them out back into the bowl!!! YUCK! I threw those out! Explained that I don't mind a mess when they help me bake but what is up with that? Some angry tone and why did you do that? Kylie "I just wanted to soften them up" Because we needed to melt them to dip the balls.

FHE, Family Home Evening. Which Reagan says "I have a great idea, let's have a family home evening!," about every other day. Which I love but we don't get to do. My favorite is when I get to say, Yeah, Let's do that and she gets so excited!

So I was talking about how Jesus fed the 5,000 with so little. I compared it for Kylie to her whole school and Dad's old school all eating one loaf of bread that I was holding. "Could this happen?" "no." Me, "Well, Jesus did it!" Kylie "HOLY CRAP!" With all amazement and seriousness in her voice.

Reagan is a shop-a-holic. She has about 12 purses and yes, everyone has something in it. Some, to the max! She will stop looking for a place to hide during Hide-n-seek to shop and then get bumbed that she didn't get to hide.

Kylie "Who is the loudest mom?" "Well, Reagan is the loudest singer, you (Kylie) are the loudest talker, and Kinsey is the loudest screamer." Why my neighbor felt the need to ask me "Did anyone ever tell you your kids are loud?" I will never figure out :0)

Kylie is loving writing now. She asked me to walk her in to school today so that I could see her pilgram and what she was thankful for. She was so excited to show me. She was thankful for ME!!!!!
So we're taking bets on when Kinsey will start walking. All she wants to do is stand!!! Our friends were kind enough to give us a walker and she is enjoying that, so am I :0) I think it will be by Christmas. That's 5 weeks. And I only have 18 more lbs. to loose from her :0) Not her fault I like cookies. Which I haven't had n e in 3 weeks now. YEAH ME! Gotta Love those Girls!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Updates posts

Just wanted to let you know I published a few posts tonight. I hope you get to check them all out and enjoy! Love ya and Miss ya!


7 months and counting! What a beauty she is. She's eating with her fingers now and holding her own bottles sometimes and trying to stand up. When she sits in the back of the stroller she grabs the front chair and trys to stand up. She loves to jump and has such great balance when I hold her like a cheerleader on her two feet. She loves the pool and can sit in her little floaty now for a few weeks, what fun for me now!!! I can swim hands free! Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't leave her there to just float while i swim, I stay right by her. She has curly hair, which I ADORE! FInaLlY. That's the best thing I got going for me, I had to pass it on :0) She is very patient and tolerant of her sisters and our running around. She is spending her first night in her room with the girls. Let's see how that goes. She sleeps 7 hrs. uninterupted and Kylie and Reagan are sound sleepers so it should hopefully work. :0)

Play Dates!

So with school in and me babysitting a darling little girl Ella, so good and pleased to watch her, we make Monday errand/tidy day, Tuesday storytime day, Wednesday is splashpad/park, Thursday playdate day, Friday is lunch at school day. We've gone to the St. Cloud Lakefront, park, Universal Studios to see Barney, Boat, Friends houses and friends here. Good time! It gives me a time to get to know the moms too. I really love doing the outside activites too! Like the horse back riding with the Pratt's on a Saturday. And now that the weather is BEAUTIFUL the outdoor activities will be even more enjoyable!

Girls...All I really want is Girls!

What fun we've had since school has started! Cheerleading, playdates, babysitting, and exercising. Oh and random Happy Birthday USA dinner parties and neighborhood parades. Yes, In September. But Our neighbors were kind enough to hear us sing "You're a Grand Ole Flag." We enjoyed the cheerleading games this year and the new cheers. Reagan still has her favorite, 'Go Fight Win' cheer. She'll get to cheer with her sister next year so that will be extra cute. Ok, I'm gonna post a few more post tonight since I got the time. :0) I'll get some video of Kylie cheering when I have some memory on my camera.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Kylie started school two weeks ago now. CRAZY!!! I Hate how she is gone all day!!! Then it's rush rush rush to get everything done before bed. Tues. is the worst for me with cheerleading and babysitting in the afternoon. But she really enjoys school and her friends. Wish I knew more of what goes on those 7 hours she's gone. She's such a good girl, she has her moments, but I just love her and sissy misser her too! I like hearing what stories she does share with me, like the girl who didn't even ask and peed on the rug at school lol.

Happy Birthday to ME!

SO I'm 28 now. Not 30 though :0) I had not one, but two surprises with my friends there to celebrate with me. One, a party at my house with friends from the local side of town, the other dinner with friends in Orlando. Yummy! Great times with family and friends! I got my video camera working again which I really wanted. Life is good. Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We're just having FUN this summer! Aunt Dee came to visit Gram and us this past week and the girls loved having her to play with. Especially Kylie because they had a little dance party in the back seat. We're playing with friends from the neighborhood and trying to something special everyday, even if it's something simple like swimming in our pool, but inviting a couple of friends this time. Chris is refing basketball games now and looking for something more permanent soon now that summer is half way over. AHHH! Kinsey is growing like a weed and eating cereal now. She's doing really well at keeping it in her mouth too! Reagan, plays her little parts and is so into it that she won't even answer you unless you call her by her roll, but may correct you and once you get it right she'll talk to you :0) So funny! But NOT when she sneaks away from the splash pad and goes to the sandbox and doesn't tell you but doesn't answer you! FREAKY. Thank you Heavenly Father for keeping her safe! Me, I'm enjoying my family. I love summer evenings and I'm hoping to get a little more of this baby weight off soon with a few walks and bike rides. And WOW, 10 year high school reunion this past weekend. Didn't go, but I did get in touch with a few lost friends. Oh, I have to buckle Kylie and Reagan in their seats for meals, or they get up and play. Reagan was still playing, and as you see she fell! She's okay. Hope to see them soon. Hope all is well with you!