Tuesday, April 06, 2010

First Birthday!

Kinsey! WE are soo very Blessed you have you. Happy First Birthday. She fell 3 times that week, 3days in a row and scraped her little nose in the same spot each time :0(. But she's a tough cookie. Hugs and kisses from mom and she's right back at it! She loves shoes and book. She is really gentle with books too, which is surprising for this age. She adores her sisters and the rest of the family. Especially her Gram. She enjoys being outside. Slides are fun and so are puppies! We have to get her use to the water again for the summer, but she's gonna do fine. She uses sign language which helps a lot, but she says a few words (I swear I hear them.) Like 'I did it' and 'all done. Kylie told me the other day she wasn't excited to have a baby because I was going to make her throw away stinky diapers, but now she's really glad we have Kinsey. And I haven't asked her to throw away stinky diapers. We love you Kinsey!!!

1 comment:

nathan said...

holy cow look at her! she has changed so much siince the last time that i saw pictures of her. so pretty! happy birthday kens!!