Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our crazy life!!!

Well another month has gone by without a post, sorry! Things are just crazy! Working full-time, refing at least 5 nights a week, serving as ward mission leader (going on splits weekly) and finding time to home teach be a decent father and husband isn't easy. Add to the mix school now for me and I'm toast! I have to go back and get some online courses in order to keep my teaching certification and of course I waited until the last minute (honestly I had to wait for the refing money to be able to pay for the courses) so now I'm cramming in 6 classes this last term!!!! I started last night and feel like it's going to be a big challenge and very time consuming but at least it's only for a couple of months! Well Amber has all the recent pictures and I asked her to post them but she to has been very busy. I know she put them on our home computer and I'm sure she'll get them up soon. Maybe tonight since I'm taking the girls out and off her hands for the night. They are so cute and we got some great photos especially over the holiday break with family. Amber is keeping busy with being a full-time Mommy (which is really full-time since I'm so busy and rarely home!) as well as cleaning houses on the side for some extra dinero. She cleans about 4 a week and babysits a couple days a week as well so yeah she's just as busy! Oops I forgot her Stake YW calling which is taking here away this weekend on a Priest/Laurel retreat. I don't know how we do it all sometimes! Even with all the crazyness we're still as in love as ever and manage to find family time on a pretty regular basis. Sunday night we had friends from the ward over and Monday we went to a friends house for Family Home Evening. The girls love getting together with their little girlfriends and we're so blessed to have such great friends like the Melicks & Hansens. We've been enjoying the last few weeks of our Disney passes and going tons! As a matter of fact we were at Magic Kingdom Saturday night and I'm taking the girls to the Studios this afternoon and we'll be at the parks again both Friday and Saturday while Amber's away! The girls love it and it's easier for Dad to keep the entertained there versus at the house which they just tear up anyways!!! We're gonna be bummed when the passes expire in less than 2 weeks. I can't possibly include everything we've done over the last month especially the details of our trip so I'll leave that to Amber when she posts the pictures. Hopefully we can post more frequently and keep the posts shorter and with photos. I promise we'll try! Lastly we're looking forward to a nice long weekend as Friday is a teacher work day I'll be done early and Monday we're off for MLK day! Our wonderful friends the Hoffs are coming out Sunday night and we are camping and caoeing at the new camp area in Harmony down by the lake. It will be a blast as the weather is supposed to be perfect and our girls love playing with their kids. We're so blessed to live in such a wonderful little community with awesome amenities. Please feel free to join us anytime for camping, golf, boating, whatever! We'd love to have you guys over.

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