We went bowling today. We all had a good time, even Kinsey. She helped me push the ball down the lane a couple of time. Then I had to catch her before she ran down the other lane, but was late, and slipped and fell on my butt! Then Kylie went to a sleepover, Reagan on a Date with Dad, Me and Kinsey went home and a friend came over with her son and played with Kinsey and chit chatted with me. And i worked on the photo's and blogged! Yeah.
Last night we had pizza at the pool before Chris went home teaching. It was really nice to have Chris there so I could actually swim with the other girls. :0)
Mother's Day went well, we had a really good time at Mercedes and Enrique's house. Thanks! Kylie and Chris were jumping off the dock, the top of the dock! WoW. Reagan and Kylie barely got out of the pool while we were there, for 3 hours. We took the cute pic of the girls for mother's day for the grandma's.
Kinsey has had one thing after another with her this month. Runny nose, Pink eye, virus with high fever and vomiting, rash, now runny nose again. Poor baby. Besides the fever, she has been so good! I just love her! I just love all my girls! I just love my Family!